First Date #14 – How it started

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Carlow #TrainStation #Ireland #LEGO

First Date #14 was with a much younger Irish woman from Carlow. We matched on Tinder. I took the train up to Carlow to meet her for a coffee, but it turned into a little bit of an adventure. It was her lunch break, and she was having car battery problems, so she couldn’t stop the car, and needed to take it to the garage. Um, no problem, I hop in. We chat on the way to the garage where she gets the car sorted. Her lunch break is almost over though, so she drops me back at the train station. Not a great first impression, but she seemed nice and genuine. We set up a second date in Kilkenny.

(First Date – 29 August, 2018)