First Date #18 – How it started

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #DesignCentre #Ireland #LEGO

It had been a whole three months since I had been on a First Date! And this was the first First Date of 2019. Would love be in store for me in 2019? Magic 8-Ball says, “Cannot predict now.”

First Date #18 was with an Irish woman living in Dublin. We matched on Tinder. She is a hockey (field not ice) player and coach. I had suggested meeting up in Dublin, but she was going to meet friends nearby for lunch, so we met at the Design Centre instead. The coffee/tea date went well as we chatted about sports, America, and our hidden talents. We continued chatting on WhatsApp and made plans for a second date.

(First Date – 20 January, 2019)