First Date #20 – How it started

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #KytelersInn #Ireland #LEGO

First Date #20 was with an Irish woman living in Waterford. She was visiting Kilkenny for a conference. And I did something I’ve done very few times in my life – I chatted her up at the bar! 😱
I was listening to TomΓ‘s Jackman, my favorite local musician, as I sometimes do on a Sunday night at Kyteler’s Inn. FirstDate#20 was sitting at the bar with her mother. There was something about her that seemed very approachable, so when the music was over… I approached.Β  I got her number and learned she was staying at a hotel on the other end of town from me.Β  No worries, I’d walk over in the next day or two when she had some free time…

(First Date – 29 January, 2019)