First Date #37 – How it went

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Dublin #Dublin2 #TempleBar #Ireland #TheBeerTemple #LEGO

Everything indicated that a second date was imminent. And then…


Literally the day after our First Date, Ireland had its first confirmed case. Still, everything was open, there were no restrictions, and Paddy’s Day was coming.  There was no way Ireland was locking down before Paddy’s Day! How foolish we all were. On 12 March, the government closed schools and canceled Paddy’s Day celebrations! 😭😭😭

It took another two weeks for the government to institute an official lockdown. Ah sure, it was only gonna last a few weeks. I sent some cute pix of me walking my dog to keep her interested until we could meet in person again.

Look at that face! He’s way better looking than me. And it worked, the conversations continued into the summer. By the end of June, we were able to travel and meet others again. And though we were still in touch, we didn’t arrange a meeting.

Suddenly, it was autumn. The conversation had stagnated. I was persistent in sending messages and pix every once in a while, but there was very little conversation on her side. Autumn turned to winter, and 2020 turned to 2021. Wave after wave continued and it was clear that any magic that might have happened evaporated like everybody’s plans in 2020. I last heard from her September 2021. It is not likely that she was going to be the love of my life, but I’m still disappointed that we weren’t able to have that second date.

(Last Dated – February 2020)