First Date #51 – How it went

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #CountyWaterford #Dungarvan #GrattanSquare #Ireland #LEGO

We had planned to meet at the Clock Tower in Waterford on a Saturday afternoon. But she was driving an electric car, and when looking for a car park (parking lot for you yanks – it’s not a playground for vehicles), she suggested meeting closer to Reginald’s Tower. While I walked down to the Viking Triangle, I got a text that she was at Waterford Castle. I don’t know how, but she got Reginald’s Tower and Waterford Castle confused. Not a problem right? Well, Waterford Castle is on an island and needs a ferry to get across! Sigh. She had to take the ferry back to the mainland and maneuver through traffic back to the car park where she could charge her vehicle. She was only 15 minutes late, but it wasn’t the best start to a second date.

It was a lovely afternoon, so we strolled into John Roberts Square to grab some caffeinated beverages. Everything was back on track after the drinks and conversation. We took advantage of the great weather to walk down to People’s Park. It was a long walk on a gorgeous afternoon – the kind that you don’t want to end. We made our way back to the quay, and took a break on a park bench. I took that opportunity to see if there was any chemistry between us. Magic 8-Ball said “As I see it, yes”. I walked her back to her car, and I took the bus back to Kilkenny.

About a week later, I received the following text:

I don’t know what  to say, you kind of caught me unprepared for the kissing. I really like you but it just brought back a range of emotions for me and a feeling like I’m not fully ready to start another relationship. I think you may be closer to starting a proper relationship than I am. I’m still sorting out all the logistics of my separation, which to say the least is pretty stressful. I do want to be here for my sons and if they did have kids I want be there 100% for them.

I was a little surprised by the response, but only a little. I took it in stride and continued swiping in the hopes of finding a match where we could kiss and not get a breakup text a week later.

(Last Dated – September 2021)