Vacation – all I ever wanted

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #California #LosAngeles #LAX #USA #LEGO

I just got back to Kilkenny after spending two amazing weeks in Southern California. It is really great to go on vacation. This was my first visit back to see my family in two-and-a-half years.

While the trip was great, I do wish that somebody special had gone with me. And that makes me wonder, what length of time is appropriate to invite somebody that you’re dating on a trip? How long do you date somebody before asking them to go away with you, or how long before you agree to go away with somebody? Let’s start with an overnight trip – is a couple of dates reasonable, or would you wait until you were in a relationship? What about a flight to a foreign country for a long weekend? What length of time or relationship status would make that comfortable for you?

I’ve gone on overnights and weekends away pretty quickly with women I had only seen once or twice. I have never taken a woman away to another country unless we were in a committed relationship. Message me on twitter or Facebook to tell me what your experiences have been when traveling in a brand new relationship.