What am I doing wrong?

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Cork #StPatricksStreet #FatherMathew #Ireland #LEGO

Well, I’ve recounted the first 26 of my 50+ First Dates. And I’m just wondering what am I doing wrong?

As far as dating goes, what am I doing wrong? I never considered that I was doing anything wrong with regards to dating, until I started counting how many First Dates I had been on. I freely recognize that I went on dates with women that never were going to materialize in a long term relationship.  Some of that was trying to satisfy selfish needs.  Some of it was just trying to make new friends in a new land.  But clearly I made some mistakes on the way. My biggest mistake was thinking that dating Irish women was exactly like dating American women. I couldn’t have been more wrong about that. If you can think of any other mistakes I’ve made while reading this blog, please let me know by messaging me on twitter or Facebook.

As far as this blog goes, what am I doing wrong? I have gotten minimal feedback. Is that because nobody reads this blog? Is it because it’s boring/not engaging? Or is there another reason it’s not successful? Somebody recently said that my posts were too short. I agreed with them, and I told them the reason they’re short is that some dates just aren’t memorable. When you’ve gone on 50+ (and once again, that was never my goal) over the course of 4 years, not every date is going to stand out. Nevertheless, I will work on making the posts longer and more interesting. That should be more possible as each date that I post about is closer to the present and my memory is fresher.

My original plans for this blog were to post one date and it’s resolution every Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday was a personal thought about dating. Thursday was a post about profile do’s and don’ts (mostly don’ts). Friday was my attempt at growing my community which has not worked at all. Because I want to finish the journey and don’t see that anybody else is too interested in what I’ve posted so far, I’m going to make some significant changes to this blog.

So, starting this week, Monday/Tuesday will be one date and Thursday/Friday will be another.  Wednesday will be dating tips, thoughts, suggestions and general rambling like this post.