Month: December 2022

Our adventures together – Part 12

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #Christmas #Festivus #WhatsTheKraken #Recipe #LEGO December brings the end of 2022 – the best year since I moved to Kilkenny. I started a business with a good friend (, got to visit my family, and most importantly – I’ve gone on my last first date! […]

Our adventures together – Part 11

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #CountyLaois #CastleDurrow #Thanksgiving #Colcannon  #Recipe #LEGO Between Halloween and Christmas is November. Unless that’s your birthday month, I can’t imagine November being anybody’s favorite month. It’s just a delay between two of the best times of the year. Nonetheless, Jeanne and I enjoyed November as […]

Our adventures together – Part 10

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #Germany #Essen #Spiel2022 #BoardGames #Halloween #OatBread #Recipe #kclr96fm #LEGO Looking back through my photos for October, it is pretty clear that Jeanne and I did not do nearly as many trips together in Autumn as we did in Summer. Now, we still spent a lot […]

Our adventures together – Part 9

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #Dublin #CountyMayo #Riverdance #Lasagne #Recipe #LEGO September is my birthday month. And this past September, I was able to spend my birthday with somebody I care about for the first time in five years! We started off the month by taking a spin up to […]

Our adventures together – Part 8

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #CountyWaterford #CountyWicklow #Smile #StarryNight #PulledPork #Recipe #LEGO In May, I went away to California for a couple of weeks. At the beginning of August, Jeanne went to Spain for a yoga retreat. But before she left, she noticed this cute sign on a pole and […]