First Date #12 – How it’s going

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #RingRoad #Ireland #LEGO

Thanks to World Cup 2018, I saw FirstDate#12 a few times. And the fun matches led to other fun activities. Though she made it clear that we weren’t suited for each other long term. She has a young daughter, and I neither have nor want kids. She took this to mean that I didn’t want her child in my life, which wasn’t the case. But I couldn’t convince her otherwise.

We’ve remained friends on Facebook, and we last met during COVID to have a socially distanced walk around town. This was back when we couldn’t go further than 5KM from our house. As she was within my 5KM bubble, I had hoped that she might consider rekindling our romance from a few years earlier. She still wanted more from a relationship than she thought I could give her. Alas, my bubble did not break…

(Last Dated – September 2018)