First Date #13 – How it went

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #StCanicesCathedral #Ireland #LEGO

The amazing first date led to almost a dozen more dates. We saw movies, attended a concert at St. Canice’s Cathedral, and went away for the weekend to an old convent outside of Cahir, County Tipperary. FirstDate#13 and I had similar nerdy interests and was a lot of fun. She also was a bit too pushy when it came to wanting more from our several week old relationship. She even told me that my deceased wife came to her in a dream and gave her blessing. That was pretty much the nail in the coffin for her. That weekend away was my birthday weekend and the last time we saw each other romantically.

She then blocked me on social media. This kind of negative reaction was unusual for me, but the second time it happened (both with Irish women) since I moved to Ireland. I tend not to burn bridges.  My first wife and several women I have dated are still my friends in real life and on social media. I shrugged and went on with me life.

She subsequently “dropped by” unannounced nearly 18 months later during the first lockdown. We went for a socially distanced walk and discussed the difficulty of living during these weird times. Neither of us were seeing anybody at that time, and I thought she might be looking for something (anything) during lockdown. She said she wasn’t, and I was fine with that! She added me back on social media, and I foolishly connected. About a month later, she was arguing with me about something that didn’t matter (at least not to me), and I blocked her. Lesson learned.

(Last Dated – September 2018)