What’s your point?

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Dublin #Spire #LEGO

Your profile is your first chance to win over (or lose) a prospective match. You need to make sure you get your point across. But what is your point? What do you want to convey about yourself? I have always been honest, informative and a bit silly in my profiles. My bumble profile includes the following:
My interests (Board games, cats, dogs, rock, wine)
A few writing prompts (leaning heavily into being a nerd at the moment)
And a bio (including the fact that I’m a widower)

I could probably wait until a first date to let her know that I’m a widower, but I think that it’s important to be upfront about my availability and possible baggage that comes from being single at my age. My being a widower paints an immediate picture for the discerning reader about my status and baggage. That’s assuming they bother to read my profile instead of just swiping on my “hot” pictures.

I would hope that my profile would attract a woman that was interested in similar things, had similar life experiences, and/or had a similar personality. Ultimately, I want to be with somebody who is more similar than somebody that is more different. Finding somebody similar is entirely the point!