First Date #28 – How it started

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #WatergateTheatre #Ireland #LEGO

First Date #28 was with an Irish (Northern Irish to be specific) woman living in Kilkenny. We met while working together at the Watergate Theatre. As previously stated, I’m not very good at instigating a date with people I know in real life. I know that a great number of people detest online dating, but I honestly prefer it. It is very difficult for me to chat up a person in real life – the fear of rejection is overwhelming. But when it’s online, the fear of rejection is negligible. So, imagine my surprise when this very attractive woman was chatting me up! Now, it could have been she was just being friendly. We were there to take and sell tickets, help people to their seats, sell beverages before the show and at the interval. And there is an awful lot of standing around doing nothing between the start of the show and the interval. Still, she could have put her nose in a book or scroll social media during the show. Instead, she chose to chat with me. She had lived abroad, and I think the fact that I was living abroad was interesting to her. There were a few times when a small group would go out drinking after a show, and she made sure to include me, which was nice. Despite this friendliness, I didn’t want to “ruin” it, so I didn’t ask her out. So when she invited me to a local café on her day off, I immediately said yes!

(First Date – 11 July, 2019)