#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Cork #RebelCounty #BarBarossa #Ireland #LEGO
In the days following our mid-day makeout, I was sent pix of cleavage and nipples! 😮🤩 Now that would normally get an immediate second date, but her location (Kerry) and my schedule (prior plans and flight back to the US for Thanksgiving) kept that from happening for a while. And when I came back from that trip, I didn’t message her for a long time. It was obvious to me that a sleepover was inevitable, and it just wasn’t something I really wanted. I was focusing on FirstDate34 and starting to pay attention to something happening in a far away place I had never heard of before – Wuhan.
Then out of the blue she messaged me, and the flirting started again. At this same time, FirstDate34’s father passed away, and she became emotionally unavailable for all of 2020. So, like a cat with a new toy, I pounced. It took a bit of time for our schedules to align, but she eventually made the long journey from Kerry to Kilkenny for a sleepover. And while she certainly had all of the required assets and talents, I just went through the motions. The next morning she snuck out before I woke up. I messaged her to make sure she got home safely, and she responded with a very nice text about meeting with friends on the way home. I never responded to it. This is the part where your friendly neighborhood LEGO figure usually tries to make himself look good, but I can look back on this and realize I definitely was not in this instance. I don’t think it counts as a complete ghosting because she never tried texting me back after that. I think we both knew that whatever it was, it had run it’s course.
(Last Dated – February 2020)