First Date #44 – How it went

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #COVID #Kilkenny #MyHouse #LivingRoom #Ireland #LEGO


A male friend of FirstDate44 gave her a lift from Cahir to Kilkenny during a lockdown. That must be some friend. Though we had never met in person, there she was in my front room. It didn’t take long for us to relocate to my bedroom.

Please don’t judge me. This was my first sleepover in well over a year thanks to COVID. It didn’t matter that we could barely converse. It didn’t matter that a person I had never met before was in my house. It only mattered that she was sharing a bed with me, and I needed that very much.


At some point, she asked me if I loved her! Um… I’m pretty good with blunt honesty, so I told her the truth. My deceased wife was the love of my life. After we started dating, it took about three months for us to profess our love for each other. It didn’t happen within 24 hours of meeting each other face-to-face for the first time! And I certainly didn’t love FirstDate44!!!



I found out that the fella who dropped her off fancied her. That meant that she asked a fella that fancied her for a lift to another man’s house with the intention of sleeping with this other man. I feel sorry for him… and me.



During our get to know each other texts, calls and zoom meetings, I knew that she was a pharmacy technician. What I didn’t know was that she thought she knew more than the pharmacist. I found out that she was anti-vax and definitely had no intention of getting the COVID vaccine even if she wouldn’t be able to go back to Spain.


Yes, this strange woman stayed in my house for five days and four nights. When we weren’t sleeping together, I did my best to avoid her. That was difficult to do since it was lockdown and there weren’t many places I could go. I walked Brownie, my chocolate lab/pit-bull mix, as much as possible and did work on my laptop wherever she wasn’t. Her twenty-something son was supposed to collect her on Friday afternoon. He arrived with extremely muddy boots and clothes yet walked into the house and sat on my couch. Neither he nor she were prepared to leave right away, so I ordered dinner to be delivered. In the meantime, he played some tunes on my acoustic guitar (which I don’t know how to play), and his mother could not have been happier. I think somewhere in her demented head, she imagined us as a happy family. I was imagining where the closest field was where they were going to bury my body. Fortunately for you my dear readers, they finished dinner and simply left.

She messaged me several times after that wild week. And every time she did it was to ask me for a favor. It is clear to me that this woman has no problem using people. So, I guess I don’t feel so bad that I used her for sex.

(Last Dated – April 2021)