First Date #44 – How it started

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #COVID-19 #ZOOM #Ireland #LEGO

First Date #44 was with a Spanish woman living in Cahir, County Tipperary. We matched on Bumble. She didn’t speak English very well, and I didn’t speak Spanish very well. But each of us knew enough to start the conversation, and Google Translate filled in the rest. Because of COVID, it had been four months since I had a First Date, so I was willing to see where this went. At the time, she was doing domestic work at an elderly woman’s house in Cahir. Though she told me she was a pharmacy technician in Spain and even had property to rent and sell there. I told her that I make websites and that got her interest. She said she wanted a website and email to manage those properties. I told her that I could create something simple for her for €100 – a significant discount, but I wasn’t getting any new business during lockdown, and I was trying to get my foot in her door so to speak.

For a couple of weeks, we would do our best to communicate in Spanglish. And eventually, I got brave enough to ask if she wanted to do a Zoom Date to see if we could actually make sense of each other. She agreed, and we got to Zooming. There were definitely some communication breakdowns that even Google Translate couldn’t address, but mostly it went very well. Of course it didn’t hurt that I thought she was very attractive and she seemingly thought I looked nice too.

A few days later, the weather was very warm and sunny. As a Spanish woman living in Ireland, this was the first warm day that she had experienced, so she decided to sun bathe. She also decided to take and send to me a selfie of her sun bathing with just a bra. Needless, to say, I was feeling very warm that day! 🔥🔥🔥

Easter was coming up, and though restrictions were still in place, she told me that she was going to visit her son who lived in Inistioge – a village about 15 miles southeast of Kilkenny. She wanted to know if it was ok if she stopped by for a visit. Well, I hadn’t had visitors to my house for well over a year, so of course I said yes! I furiously cleaned the house over the next few days in hopes that the Easter Bunny would bring me a special Easter Basket!

(First Date – 29 March, 2020)