First Date #46 – How it went

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #CountyDublin #Fingal #Balbriggan #BalbrigganBeach #Ireland #LEGO

After that First Date, I didn’t really feel that there was a connection, though we remained Facebook friends. After so many dates, I was tired of trying to make something out of nothing. So, I didn’t reach out to FirstDate46 for about a month.

It wasn’t until I happened to see her pretty face come up again on another dating app, this time on Facebook. I asked her if I should swipe right again, or if this was a fake profile as the name was different and Facebook wasn’t in the habit of matching friends. She said it was real, and that she had multiple Facebook accounts. This was an old one apparently. (Sure it was). Despite me not believing her entirely, we flirted back and forth again for a week or so. She was much more engaging online than she was in person. She did mention that since she was Polish and I was American, the language and cultural gaps were challenging, and I agreed. Nevertheless, she asked if I wanted to go away with her for a weekend. 😮

Since I hate to disappoint attractive women, and since post-COVID dating had been atrocious, I obviously said yes. I booked a weekend away for us in Balbriggan, a nice coastal town, north of Dublin. I hired a car, drove up on a Saturday, and collected her from her studio apartment in Rathmines. Although I was going away with an attractive woman, there was no indication that any extracurricular activities would commence. Driving through Dublin and up to Balbriggan felt like I was a hired Uber driver more than anything. We checked into our hotel, and though masks were mandatory, she a) either outright refused to wear one in the halls or b) wore the mask under her nose!!! Sigh, the red flags were out of control here.

We booked in for dinner nearby. While we were waiting for our food, she took a really nice picture of me. It’s amazing what a real photographer can do with a simple mobile phone and a photoshop app!

After dinner, we strolled along the beach. It would have been romantic, but the red flags were still fresh in my mind, and it didn’t even seem like she wanted to be very near me. Eventually, I pounced and went in for a kiss. Man, there really wasn’t any chemistry here. How were we going to share a double bed?!? We went back to the hotel to find out one way or the other. I changed in the bathroom and wore very unsexy pajamas to bed. She basically asked, “aren’t we going to have sex now?” 😮 It certainly wasn’t the most passionate sex I’ve ever had. In fact, I’d say it could be defined as clinical.

I drove her back to Rathmines the following morning. I was only happy to put her in my rearview mirror. The sex made a weird weekend barely worth it. Though we remain friends on Facebook, I can’t say we’re friends. In fact, I haven’t messaged her in about a year.

(Last Dated – August 2021)