First Date #47 – How it went

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Dublin #Dublin3 #Clontarf #ClontarfPromenade #Ireland #LEGO

It was an absolutely lovely day, and I was lucky enough to be enjoying it with a gorgeous, young woman. We got drinks and walked along the promenade. She told me that she had two teenage boys, though she didn’t look like she could be old enough to have sons of that age. There was no language barrier as she had lived in the UK for a few years before moving to Ireland. She mentioned her ex, and it was typically not very complementary. All of our conversation was pleasant, but we weren’t connecting. We walked back to her car, and though I would have walked back to the bus since it was such a nice day, she gave me a lift back to the center of the city. I gave her a hug and went in for a kiss; I got her cheek anyhow.

I tried texting her a few times over the next week, but she never responded to any of them. I don’t know why she would have matched with me in the first place. She may have been looking for a sugar daddy. Maybe she was bored and needed a day out in Dublin. Different cultures – different generations – ultimately too many differences. Whatever it was, she definitely wasn’t interested in me once we met.

(Last Dated – July 2021)