#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #Christmas #Festivus #WhatsTheKraken #Recipe #LEGO December brings the end of 2022 – the best year since I moved to Kilkenny. I started a business with a good friend (Spiel.ie), got to visit my family, and most importantly – I’ve gone on my last first date! […]
Our adventures together – Part 11
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #CountyLaois #CastleDurrow #Thanksgiving #Colcannon #Recipe #LEGO Between Halloween and Christmas is November. Unless that’s your birthday month, I can’t imagine November being anybody’s favorite month. It’s just a delay between two of the best times of the year. Nonetheless, Jeanne and I enjoyed November as […]
Our adventures together – Part 10
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #Germany #Essen #Spiel2022 #BoardGames #Halloween #OatBread #Recipe #kclr96fm #LEGO Looking back through my photos for October, it is pretty clear that Jeanne and I did not do nearly as many trips together in Autumn as we did in Summer. Now, we still spent a lot […]
Our adventures together – Part 9
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #Dublin #CountyMayo #Riverdance #Lasagne #Recipe #LEGO September is my birthday month. And this past September, I was able to spend my birthday with somebody I care about for the first time in five years! We started off the month by taking a spin up to […]
Our adventures together – Part 8
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #CountyWaterford #CountyWicklow #Smile #StarryNight #PulledPork #Recipe #LEGO In May, I went away to California for a couple of weeks. At the beginning of August, Jeanne went to Spain for a yoga retreat. But before she left, she noticed this cute sign on a pole and […]
Our adventures together – Part 7
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #CountyDublin #CountyWicklow #AllIrelands #AppleCrumble #Recipe #LEGO “July please, I’m on my knees…” -Mundy To me, July has always meant BBQ’s, Summer Vacations, and Apple Pie. So, this post will be about a BBQ we went to, some of our Summer excursions, and an Apple Crumble […]
Our adventures together – Part 6
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #CountyGalway #CountyWicklow #CountyWexford #Porridge #Oatmeal #BoysenberryJam #Recipe #LEGO As you know from last week’s post, I spent the last two weeks of May in California visiting family and friends. When I landed in Dublin, I was expecting to take the bus back to Kilkenny, but […]
Our adventures together – Part 5
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #CountyWestmeath #CountyWaterford #AlPastor #Recipe #COVID #LEGO Due to COVID, I had not been back to California to visit my parents since 2019. Although I could have flown earlier, I was waiting for Aer Lingus to reinstitute their direct flight from Dublin to Los Angeles. In […]
Our adventures together – Part 4
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #CountyLaois #CountyOffaly #CountyWestmeath #CountyTipperary #MidlandsMania #JulieAndJulia #FrenchToast #Recipe #LEGO I hope I don’t sound like I’m gloating, I don’t think I am. But I am really happy about how this has all turned out. On Sunday, 3 April 2022, the Republic of Ireland completed a […]
Our adventures together – Part 3
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #StPatricksDay #PaddysDay #BaconAndCabbage #Recipe #COVID #LEGO St. Patrick’s Day / Lá Fhéile Pádraig / Paddy’s Day in Ireland And definitely NOT Patty’s Day By Paddy’s Day, I think we both knew that we had each found someone special. Although COVID-19 was running wild, we decided […]
Our adventures together – Part 2
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #TheOffice #Chili #ChiliRecipe #Recipe #LEGO Things went well on the hike, so I invited Jeanne over to my house for dinner. In 2004, brilliant filmmaker Robert Rodriguez made a video called “Ten Minute Cooking School”. He showed how to make Puerco Pibil and said, “I’ve got […]
Our adventures together – Part 1
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #BrandonHill #Graiguenamanagh #Ireland #LEGO #recipe #vegan 23 January, 2022 I’d like to introduce everybody to Jeanne. This is a selfie from our third date. We had just climbed the highest hill in County Kilkenny – Brandon Hill. Yes, her name sounds exactly like my deceased […]
First Date #55 – How it’s going
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #BrandonHill #Graiguenamanagh #Ireland #LEGO PREVIOUSLY ON 50 FIRST DATES AT 50 “She had parked out back, so I walked with her to the car. She offered to give me a lift back to my house…” AND NOW, THE EXCITING CONCLUSION We arrived at my house, […]
First Date #55 – How it started
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #JohnsStreet #Langtons #Ireland #LEGO PROLOGUE New year – new me. I downloaded a new dating app – Hinge. While I am optimistic that Hinge will provide better matches, it like almost every other dating app is owned by the same parent corporation – Match Group. […]
Four years of failing
#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #CountyOffaly #Clonmacnoise #Pope #Ireland #LEGO Four years of failing, and I’m not just talking about the Trump administration. From April 2018 to December 2021, I had dated 54 women with basically nothing to show for it. I didn’t date nor have a girlfriend until I was […]