First Date #33 – How it went

#FirstDate #FirstDates #FirstDatesIRL #Dating #Kilkenny #JohnStreet #TheFrontRoom #Ireland #LEGO

And we did see each other again. There was a meetup at a local burger joint. She brought a friend with her, so the two of them chatted with each other quite a bit. The point of meetups was to meet new people, but I guess she was unclear on the concept. After dinner, we strolled down to The Front Room. She asked what I was drinking and I told her “Rock Shore Cider”. She returned with a Rock Shore Lager. Um… I’m not a beer drinker. I took a few sips to be polite and left to join friends at Ryan’s.

There was an attempt a few months later to chit chat via text, but I wasn’t feeling it. This was a month or two before COVID-19, and I was being a little more conservative with my time. I wasn’t going to spend it with just anybody, especially not with people who couldn’t get my drink order correct.

(Last Dated – September 2019)