#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Waterford #TheGranary #Ireland #LEGO First Date #9 was with an American Woman. We matched on Tinder, and we agreed to meet in Waterford. I was a bit surprised to see that she brought her dog with her on the date – that was a first. I get […]
Month: February 2022
I Will Follow – Part 8
#FollowFriday #FF #FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #LEGO #Kilkenny #KilkennyCastle #Ireland Here are some amazing people to follow: Tweets by SingleMarla Tweets by jamespreeceguru Tweets by itsmymatepaddy Tweets by taleesita Tweets by LoveProbsLove
I know it’s cold, butt…
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Tips #Profile #Profiles Please do not confuse RANDOM with SPECIFIC. “Concord grapes are one of only three fruits native to North America” THAT’S a RANDOM fact. Tony’s profile shared something not only SPECIFIC, but rather INTIMATE as well… This profile screen grab comes from one of my […]
What do you drink?
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Single #Tipperary #Clonmel #Bulmers #Ireland #LEGO If your First Date is in a pub, what do you drink? I’ve never liked Beer. Honestly, wine is my drink of choice, but I’m not drinking that at a pub. So, that leaves me with either Cider or Spirits. Since […]
First Date #8 – How it went
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Tipperary #Clonmel #Patrickswell #Ireland #LEGO So, FirstDate#8 drove us to St. Patrick’s Well. A lovely place featuring one of Ireland’s largest holy wells. This flows into a pool with an interesting early-Christian, Celtic-style cross at its center. Unfortunately, I was more interested in this ancient site than […]
First Date #8 – How it started
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Tipperary #Clonmel #Ireland #LEGO First Date #8 was with a Latvian woman living in Clonmel. We matched on Tinder. I took the bus down to the land of Bulmers to meet with her. We met at a well-known chain café. I had never met anybody from Latvia, […]
I Will Follow – Part 7
#FollowFriday #FF #FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #LEGO #Dublin #SmythsToys #Ireland Here are some amazing people to follow: Tweets by CobraLeader6 Tweets by jeanneckirby Tweets by Louuu_89 Tweets by noniceguys Tweets by Fulkery1
What’s normal and what’s weird?
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Tips #Weird #Normal #Coffee #Tea #Conversations During lockdown, I matched with a woman that I had previously met around Kilkenny. I was fairly excited to match with somebody local as we weren’t supposed to go further than 5KM at that point. And this was a woman with […]
Why are you still single?
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Single #Kilkenny #RiverNore #Ireland #LEGO Last week I asked, “Why are you single?” That question was more about what happened in your past relationship to put you back on the dating scene. This week’s question is more about how come you aren’t in a relationship yet. Few […]
First Date #7 – How it went
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Dublin #Malahide #Ireland #LEGO When the conversation moved to WhatsApp, there was even less conversation than in person. Eventually, there was no communication at all. Two dates in Malahide – two ghostings. I think I’ll avoid Malahide in the future. (Last Dated – June 2018)
First Date #7 – How it started
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Dublin #Malahide #Ireland #LEGO First Date #6 was with an Irish woman living in Malahide. We matched on Tinder. We agreed to meet at the local American MegaMoney Coffee Complex. I remember her being very attractive, but I don’t remember much about our conversation. We exchanged numbers […]
I Will Follow – Part 6
#FollowFriday #FF #FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #LEGO #Dublin #TrinityCollege #Ireland Here are some amazing people to follow: Tweets by wlrfm Tweets by m3dusa_asud3m Tweets by PomonaDez Tweets by KinCbus Tweets by EllaC2009
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Tips #Profile #Profiles I think it’s super important to let your potential match know what you’re looking for in a partner. I also think that simply listing your demands without telling me anything about yourself is a big turnoff. I guess in a way this one was […]
Why are you single?
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Single #Dublin #GraftonStreet #Ireland #LEGO Admittedly, it’s not a good question, but it’ll get asked eventually. So, you need to have thought it out and have a good response. Your First Date might be blunt and just ask, “why are you single?” Or they might ask in […]
First Date #6 – How it’s going
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Waterford #JohnRobertsSquare #RedSquare #Ireland #LEGO Much to my chagrin, it turns out FirstDate#6 was very much not available to date me, as she had a boyfriend back in Belgium. So, let me back up some. When I invited FirstDate#6 to meet at the café, I was hoping […]