#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Dublin #Malahide #Ireland #LEGO When the conversation moved to WhatsApp, there was even less conversation than in person. Eventually, there was no communication at all. Two dates in Malahide – two ghostings. I think I’ll avoid Malahide in the future. (Last Dated – June 2018)
First Dates
First Date #7 – How it started
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Dublin #Malahide #Ireland #LEGO First Date #6 was with an Irish woman living in Malahide. We matched on Tinder. We agreed to meet at the local American MegaMoney Coffee Complex. I remember her being very attractive, but I don’t remember much about our conversation. We exchanged numbers […]
I Will Follow – Part 6
#FollowFriday #FF #FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #LEGO #Dublin #TrinityCollege #Ireland Here are some amazing people to follow: Tweets by wlrfm Tweets by m3dusa_asud3m Tweets by PomonaDez Tweets by KinCbus Tweets by EllaC2009
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Tips #Profile #Profiles I think it’s super important to let your potential match know what you’re looking for in a partner. I also think that simply listing your demands without telling me anything about yourself is a big turnoff. I guess in a way this one was […]
Why are you single?
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Single #Dublin #GraftonStreet #Ireland #LEGO Admittedly, it’s not a good question, but it’ll get asked eventually. So, you need to have thought it out and have a good response. Your First Date might be blunt and just ask, “why are you single?” Or they might ask in […]
First Date #6 – How it’s going
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Waterford #JohnRobertsSquare #RedSquare #Ireland #LEGO Much to my chagrin, it turns out FirstDate#6 was very much not available to date me, as she had a boyfriend back in Belgium. So, let me back up some. When I invited FirstDate#6 to meet at the café, I was hoping […]
First Date #6 – How it started
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Waterford #Blackfriars #Ireland #LEGO First Date #6 was with an American woman working in Waterford. She and I were both members of a group on Facebook – Americans living in Ireland. She had mentioned that she was moving to Belgium soon, so I suggested we meet up in […]
I Will Follow – Part 5
#FollowFriday #FF #FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #LEGO #Dublin #GPO #Luas #Ireland Here are some amazing people to follow: Tweets by charlie_rudiger Tweets by SingleCityGirl_ Tweets by SharonDove17 Tweets by junebugskippin Tweets by TheAlexNevil
How crazy is crazy?
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Tips #Profile #Profiles Would you date somebody that had vastly different ideas of how vaccines and science work? This woman on Hinge believes that Covid was started in a laboratory. Maybe I’m the crazy one. Nonetheless, I’m not gonna even start with this one.
What is your superpower?
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Super #SuperPower #SuperPowers #Power #NeverLost #Kilkenny #KilkennyCastle #Ireland #LEGO Last week, I wrote about the Superpower you WANTED. This week, I want know which Superpower you actually HAVE. All of us have a talent that we do better than anybody else. It might be something simple like […]
First Date #5 – How it went
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Kilkenny #KilkennyCastle #Ireland #LEGO #Ghosted At the second café, it was pretty clear we weren’t compatible. I mentioned voting for and being thrilled that Ireland had voted to repeal the 8th amendment (ending the ban on abortions). I foolishly assumed that most women would be in favor […]
First Date #5 – How it started
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Kilkenny #CatLaughs #Ireland #LEGO First Date #5 was with an Irish woman living in Kilkenny. We matched on Tinder. We briefly met for a coffee/tea, and I quickly set up a second date for when we each had more time. The Cat Laughs Comedy Festival was coming […]
I Will Follow – Part 4
#FollowFriday #FF #FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #LEGO Here are some amazing people to follow: Tweets by WetMascara Tweets by serendipitydon1 Tweets by becabird Tweets by Mariana33243552 Tweets by TXisTexan Tweets by BalanceFox_DV73 Tweets by broken_rhi
Which one is you?
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Tips #Photos #Profile #ProfilePicture #ProfilePictures “Which one is you?” is a question your potential match should NEVER have to ask themselves. Dating is almost always a solo activity, your dating profile pictures should show you by yourself. This is especially so for your first picture – first […]
If I could have a superpower it’d be…
#FirstDate #FirstDates #Dating #Super #SuperPower #SuperPowers #Power #Speed #SuperSpeed #Kilkenny #KilkennyCastle #LEGO This is a writing prompt on Bumble: “If I could have a superpower it’d be…” My response is: “Super speed. Ask me why.” If anybody actually reads my profile instead of just swiping on my incredibly handsome face, […]